快播视频 Offers More Opportunities to Distinguish Yourself as an Honors Student than Any Other College in California!
Click on "What's Honor at 快播视频 All 快播视频" for important information.
You May Join One or More Honor Societies if you Qualify: request a transcript review to find out which societies and at what correct level of membership you qualify to join. Fill out our request form:
Keep Up with Honor Society Events and News: Add Any of the Honors CANVAS Sites to Your Dashboard. Just Click on the Society's logo below
(Joining the Canvas Page is NOT the same as applying for membership)
Monday thru Thursday 12 noon -- 5 pm (holiday and other closures will be announced here or at Zoom login)
To apply for membership in any of the honor societies:
STEP 1: Complete and submit the General Information form
STEP 2: Fill out the application(s) for one or more of the societies you wish to join using the links below.
STEP 3: All honor societies require the payment of membership fees, also called "dues." Some 快播视频 programs offer membership payment assistance to their students: EOPS, Student Equity, Guardian Scholars, Umoja, the Global Engagement Center, Veterans' Services, and CalWORKS. We will request approval from the programs for payments for their students before society memberships are fully activated at the end of the semester.
All applicants: please be sure you are using current application forms linked below and that you know which level of membership you qualify for. Not sure? Ask us: garrisonhonorscenter@occ.cccd.edu
Here is a brief summary of established honor societies at 快播视频. CURRENT students only (enrolled in 快播视频 classes) may apply to one or more society memberships for which they qualify.
ALPHA BETA GAMMA – business honor society; national; focus on business success, management style, business ethics, etc. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President 2024-25: Grant Caviar: gcaviar@student.cccd.edu
Apply to Alpha Beta Gamma ABG_Application(PDF)
ALPHA GAMMA SIGMA – all study interests; California; focus on community and campus service. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: VACANT
Apply to Alpha Gamma Sigma
ALPHA MU GAMMA – foreign language honor society; national; focus on the study of foreign languages and cultures, including English as a second language and sign language. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: VACANT
Apply to Alpha Mu Gamma AMG Application (PDF)
ETA ETA OMICRON – marine science honor society; 快播视频 campus-wide; focus on supporting improvements to the marine ecology, especially in Southern California. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: Jennifer Robinson jrobison5@student.cccd.edu
Apply to Eta Eta Omicron EEO Application (PDF)
IOTA XI - computer science and information disciplines honor society; 快播视频 campuswide; Click on the logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: Long (Eric) Nguyen: lnguyen1509@student.cccd.edu Meetings are in person at Garrison Honors Center 106 or via Zoom:
Apply to Iota Xi: IX Application (PDF)
MU ALPHA THETA – math honor society; national; focus on math literacy and competency, supporting math education on and off campus, celebrating math excellence among high school and college students. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: VACANT
Apply to Mu Alpha Theta MAT Application (PDF)
MU DELTA RHO - pre-health professions honor society; 快播视频 campus-wide; focus on preparation for transfer and graduate programs in medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, and all allied-health professions. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: John Huynh: thuynh474@student.cccd.edu
Apply to Mu Delta Rho: MDR APPLICATION (PDF)

NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY HONOR SOCIETY – focus on Career and Technical Education certificate programs. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: James Schwab jschwab4@student.cccd.edu
Apply to the National Technical Honor Society NTHS Application (PDF)
OMEGA PSI SIGMA – political science honor society; 快播视频 campus-wide; focus on social issues, public policy, election law, related careers, and matters of interest to poli-sci, pre-law, and other related majors. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: VACANT
Apply to Omega Psi Sigma: OPS Application (PDF)
PHI ALPHA MU – social and behavioral sciences honor society; 快播视频 campus-wide; focus on social issues and recognition of student excellence in the social/behavioral sciences. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. (NO STUDENT OFFICERS)
Apply to Phi Alpha Mu PAM Application (PDF)
PHI THETA KAPPA – all study interests; international; largest honor society for two-year colleges in the world; special scholarship opportunities for members and transfer-planning tools for members and non-members alike. Special Note: Recipients of invitations to membership from PTK headquarters who will pay for their own memberships (not using EOPS, Student Equity, Guardian Scholars, or CalWORKS), may submit applications online directly to PTK headquarters until the deadline stated in the invitation. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. WEEKLY MEETINGS MONDAYS AT 4PM: In person at Garrison Honors Center 106 or via Zoom
President: Dulce Chavez dchavezmedrano@student.cccd.edu
Apply to Phi Theta Kappa PHTK Application (PDF)
PI RHO SIGMA – music honor society; 快播视频 campus-wide; focus on music and musicianship, music careers, etc. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: Diana Vu dvu18@student.ccd.edu
PI TAU EPSILON - film and visual arts honor society; 快播视频 campus-wide; focus on film, video, fine arts, photography. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: Olivia Morin: omorin@student.cccd.edu
PSI BETA – psychology honor society; national; focus on psychological issues and phenomena, careers in psychology, etc. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: Kaylee Beaumont: kbeaumont@student.cccd.edu
Apply to Psi Beta PSIB Application (PDF)
S.A.L.U.T.E. - veteran's honor society to recognize academic achievement and persistence. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. Veterans and Active Duty Reservists. President: VACANT
Apply to SALUTE SALUTE Application (PDF)
SIGMA CHI ETA – communications honor society; national; focus on academic excellence in communication studies. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: VACANT
Apply to Sigma Chi Eta SCE Application (PDF)
SIGMA KAPPA DELTA – English honor society; national; focus on humanity’s expressive imprint through literature and poetry. Click on our logo to add our Canvas site to your dashboard. President: VACANT
Apply to Sigma Kappa Delta:
Students are welcome to request assistance with this process from the Garrison Honors Center